Laura Silverman

Master Piano Teacher
in Cleveland, Ohio

Welcome to my website!

This is my chance to share and keep alive the extraordinary teaching I had when I was a student

I am reaching out to all levels of students:

Coaching sessions to polish your repertoire and recital programs

Lessons to help you go forward with technique and making beautiful music

Ensure that your child is learning correctly

Any level

To help you understand when I say I received extraordinary teaching, I will explain. My teacher at The Cleveland Institute of Music was Vitya Vronsky Babin who studied with Artur Schnabel, who studied with Theodor Leschetizky, who studied with Carl Czerny, who studied with Beethoven.

I played for Grant Johannesen in many master classes and appeared with him in a television documentary.

I am happy to have my students perform recitals by teleconference. It allows their friends and family from across the country and around the world to listen in.

In my 40 years as a teacher, I have worked with brilliant students, average students and students who learn differently.

My philosophy is no matter the level of the student, one must strive to create beauty in music.

“There is no life without art; there is no art without life.”
T. Leschetizky


It is not often that one receives an unsolicited written comment from a student. I have many from parents that I value highly, but the ones from students are extra special to me.

Thanks again for the lesson today. I had the realization that I really needed some teaching that takes playing the notes (and having the technique to play the notes) as a given and just a stepping stone to something better and not an end in itself. You’ve given me a lot to think about.

Jackson C.

Graduate Student

I just want to tell you how grateful I am for you and to have you as my piano teacher because I’m learning a skill that brings me a lot of happiness and you’re always encouraging me along that journey as well as giving me the tools to do it. So thank you.

Jaimee M

High School Student

Laura, I just wanted to tell you that you have been an answer to prayers. I’m so grateful that we found you. You have made a huge difference for Cambri. Not only are you a talented pianist, but a gifted teacher. You teach in a way that builds confidence and character as well as musical talent. Thank you, thank you.
Brianna B.


I had no idea how much you were teaching me until I had my own students. In my classes and in my private teaching, I am constantly using what I learned from you. My students see themselves becoming better musicians and all of us thank you.”
Robyn Lanier

former student and now professional musician and colleague